Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life such a glowing circle....

Imagine that your life are one circle...
Your circle is glowing larger and larger as time passed~

As your circle become large, you will intersect with many others circles that pass by your circle...
Some are simply touch your circle...while some are really strongly attached to your circle...
Who are some strangers...some classmate...
some friends...some truth friends...that u might meet...
When you intersect with each other...love and caring is shared...

And sure there will be some circle that might go into your circle...
You will surrounded it will your whole circle...
Keep he/she in your protection...and you are willing to do every thing for him/her...

While the circle inside you, he/she give his/her life to you...
He/she put all his/her belief on you...
Where her/his life become apart of yours...while your life are also apart of her/his life
When you are together...love and caring is shared to each other...
One of you become supportive of each other...
Therefore life become happier...easier...lovelier...

If one day...
Two of you wont be together anymore...
Each of the circle will leaving from each other...

Therefore a hole will leave inside each other circle...
The hole will either small or big depends on the time you two living together...
And it will become a black spot that never get rid of your life...

Life is simply sharing and caring with each other...
Appreciate who beside you...

Sorry for any grammar mistake...thanks for reading...hope you can understand what i'm saying...